REVEALED: “Nengi Is Avoiding Me And I’m Not Surprised” – Wathoni (Video)

 Wathoni is convinced Nengi is intentionally avoiding her company but she is not bothered about it.

Telling how it started she said Nengi’s attitude towards her changed after the first week of their stay in the Head of House executive suite. Recall Nengi won head of house in the first week and chose her as her deputy.

According to her, she was expecting Nengi to ask her about how she is faring like she used to but she is doing the opposite until Saturday when she walked over to her and asked of her well being. She cited an example where she asked Nengi to take a picture with her but she ignored her.

She added that she is not surprised by the attitude she is giving her. She mentioned her rice incident which led to her bust-up Tolanibaj as well.

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