Mshoza with husband Thuthukani Mvula in happier times.

Kwaito star Nomasonto "Mshoza" Maswanganyi has vowed to assist her husband Thuthukani Mvula's estranged wife to annul her customary marriage to him.

Mshoza also applauded the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, for obtaining an order to force Mvula to pay maintenance for two children.

The singer, made popular by her potboiler Kortes, was also girding her loins to fight Mvula for the division of their estate.

The estranged wife obtained an order at the Pietermaritzburg High Court last week to force Mvula to support her and her kids. She also filed for the annulment of Mvula and Mshoza's customary marriage because, she argued, they got married without her permission as the legal wife.

The order, granted by Justice Rashid Vahed, reads in parts: "That pending the finalisation of the divorce action ..., the respondent pay a monthly contribution of R25000 towards the maintenance of the applicant and the two minor children."

The order also directed Mvula to "repair and restore into a roadworthy condition, the BMW vehicle currently in the estranged wife's possession ".

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