Rugby players pose nud@ to raise funds for injured colleague.

The Cardiff Blues players including Wales internationals, Gareth Anscombe and Lloyd Williams, stripped completely naked for the shoot for which they posed on the pitch and in the locker room in nothing but their boots.

Proceeds from the £10 calendar will help to support the players’ close friend Owen Williams, 25, who suffered the crippling injury two years ago, according to Daily Mail UK.

One of the stars, Josh Navidi, said the players were happy to participate in the exercise.
He said: “It’s all for such a great cause and we ended up having a good laugh doing it – it’s completely different to what we normally do.

“It began with everyone quite apprehensive but you have to throw yourself into it and once we did, it was good fun.”

All profits from the calendar will go towards the #StayStrongForOws campaign, Commercial Director for the team, Rhys Williams, said.

“The boys wanted to do something different to support their former team mate and the #StayStrongForOws campaign. They came up with the idea and we were more than happy to put it in motion.

“Every penny of the profit made goes towards #StayStrongForOws, so it is a great cause which is close to our hearts,” he said.

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