IMPOSSIBLE: Woman Who Divorced Her Husband After 8 Months Now Set To Marry His Father.

A 36-year-old woman has left her husband to marry his 74-year-old father – who lived with the now-divorced couple while they were together.

Liza Goddard, from Grimsby, broke it off with hubby Jason Harwood, 35, in 2003 after their eight-month marriage broke down.

But she is now set to return to Jason’s life as his stepmum after deciding to wed his father John, who is almost 40 years older than her.

Jason had lived with Liza in his pensioner father’s bedsit in Slough, Berkshire.
Since parting, Liza has been having a secret affair with John, and she’s even warned unemployed Jason: “You’d better get used to the idea of me being your stepmum.”

Jason told The Sun: “She is going from my ex-wife to my stepmum. What they are doing is wrong.”

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