Hope and Bridget’s wedding was beautiful to witness.

 Hope and Bridget's union was one of the most amazing ceremonies OPW's fans have watched, and tweeps couldn't stop celebrating with the couple whose love story left them in their feels.

The pair met at the annual Gay Pride Parade in 2013 and even though they were both in relationships at that time, Bridget didn't waste time in telling Hope how she feels.

Twitter thought it was adorable how Hope thought it was her dance moves that captured Bridget’s eye.

Their sexuality means that it has not always been smooth sailing for the couple, and it took Hope a while to tell her family. Her aunt was the only family member she could speak to about her relationship and when she finally told her mom she was livid!

But they made it despite the challenges, and Twitter was there for it!

They also happened to have one of the best kisses to seal their union that Mzansi has ever seen!

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