Ayanda Ncwane and her sons miss Sfiso very much [Pens the sweetest Christmas letter to him].

With the festive season just around the corner, it's no doubt a difficult time for those close to Sfiso Ncwane.

Earlier this week marked two years since Sfiso died after experiencing complications linked to kidney failure.

While Sfiso isn't physically here, he evidently lives on in the hearts of his wife and children.

The late gospel star's son Mawenza made him the sweetest Christmas card that will melt your heart.

Mawenza shared a picture of the handmade card on Instagram, in which he expressed how much he wished he could still speak to Sfiso.

"Hello spirit dad, it's Mawenz. I would love and really appreciate to talk you, to see you again. It would be very nice if you were still alive," read part of the letter.

Mawenza added that he hopes that Sfiso reads the letter and that he loves him.

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