Twitter was left by shocked by a very "generous" thief.

 The internet has been left in a mess after a tweep posted one of the most bizzare things that happened to his flatmate when a thief, who stole his laptop reached out to him in an email.

The tweet, which has over 59,000 retweets and over 100k likes currently went viral as soon as people read the contents of the email.

A person under the @StevieBlessed shared a screenshot of the email that was sent to his friend by the thief who sent a sincere apology after stealing his laptop. The thief said that he hoped it showed that he was remorseful because he left the phone and wallet.

"Hello, I am very very sorry for taking your laptop. I am extremely poor and needed the money. I left your phone and your wallet, so I hope that slightly makes up for something," the email apparently reads.

Just when you thought you've reached your peak of bizarre things in the world, the thief said he was willing to send back any important files on the laptop.

Read the email below.
Tweeps were split and couldn't decide whether the thief is a really bad guy or if the owner of the laptop should just laugh it off and forget all about it. The one thing they all agreed on though, was that it was a funny situation!

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