Nomsa Buthelezi on her kids being hangdog as a result of she's lesbian

Nomsa Buthelezi has spoken out about how her children had to develop a thick skin to homophobia after they were bullied over her sexuality.

The Our Perfect Wedding  presenter who is happier than ever with her partner, Zandile Shezi recently "came out" about her sexuality after waiting so long for fear of being rejected.  However, as Nomsa tries to settle into her truth she's been reminded that her children have also been affected. 

"My children and I have a very open relationship and we talk about everything. They understand my sexuality. Yes, they were bullied at school but my kids made the other kids understand that 'hey! If your mother has a husband, then my mother can have a wife and that's that.

"You see when you have children and there's a sexuality matter at play, it's not simple to navigate. However kids, always know when you are happy and when you are not and my kids, always knew who I was before I even embraced it."

Nomsa explained that her children particularly her son who is a teenager was super calm through the bullying and understood that some people just don't want to understand homosexuals.

The OPW presenter explained that in trying to navigate life and be part of the LGBTQI+ community, she's had to learn to help people around her understand. As long as they are willing to try.

This is a quality she feels her children have inherited from her.

"My son has amazed me so much because he understands who I am. He's 14 and immediately when I introduced Zandile to them, he told me I've been happier since she's come into our lives. They connected, the trick was I wasn't forcing Zandile on them, their connection was organic."

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