‘My boyfriend is depressed – how do I help him?’

Sis Dolly answers some burning questions from our readers.


I’m a 25-year-old final-year varsity student. My boyfriend is 26 and we’ve been dating for more than five years. Last year he gave up on his dream of being a DJ but he hasn’t found a job and has become depressed. He does odd jobs but never gets anything permanent. He lives in the back room of his family’s place but gets no support from them.

I’ve helped him apply for jobs, given him money for interviews and bought him toiletries and clothes. I’m starting to feel more like his mother than his girlfriend. I love him very much and I’m sure he loves me, but I’m tired of him being jobless. I buy him presents but I’ve never received a birthday gift from him. We can’t even afford takeaways.

 It might sound selfish, but I want to be taken out – I want to know what it’s like to go on a date. I feel like I’m missing out on life. But he went through traumatic experiences growing up, and not being able to find a job is making him suicidal. What can I do?


You’ve done well by him for the sake of your relationship and shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting the best for yourself. You seem to have been babysitting him to such an extent that you now feel it’s your duty to take care of him. It’s time he also showed some initiative and did something for himself. I suggest he contacts the National Youth Development Agency on 0860-096-884 to inquire about bursaries or guidelines for a business start-up.


I’ve been dating this cute guy for five months. I love him a lot but I’m not sure if he loves me. He says he does but we’re always fighting over rumours about what he’s been doing. But I think everyone is just trying to break us up. What can I do?


Before assuming that people are trying to break you up, try to find out whether there’s any truth to the rumours. The fact you confronted him about it indicates you also have doubts. If you’re constantly fighting about those rumours, there might be a trust issue in your relationship. Sessions with one of Famsa’s relationship counsellors could benefit you both. Call 011-788-4784.


I’m 36 and grew up in a village. When I moved to the city I met my girlfriend. The problem is that whenever we have sex she screams very loudly and everyone can hear. In my culture this isn’t right and I feel shy. How can I keep her quiet?


It might be her way of showing you she’s really enjoying the intimacy, but if it makes you so uncomfortable then you’ll have to tell her. Talk to her about this when you’re both calm and at ease, in a manner that won’t offend her. You might find it’s just a habit she picked up and she’ll easily be able to drop it.

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