Pabee Moganedi is nothing like Mamiki on The Queen.

Johannesburg - Devious, a backstabber, ghetto – these are some of the words that most people would use to describe Pabee Moganedi’s character, Mamiki on Mzansi Magic’s The Queen.

Speaking to MzansiLatest.Com, the 25-year-old actress says she is nothing like the character she played on TV.

“Besides how loud we both can get, I’m happy to say Mamiki and I are two completely different people from worlds apart,” she tells MzansiLatest.Com.

Having played many different characters on shows such as Tempy Pushas and Zone 14, the actress says she had a blast playing the devious Mamiki especially since she could speak the colloquial seTswana from Pretoria and is grateful to Ferguson Films for that.

“I enjoyed working that sipitori Setswana. It felt like I was breaking all the vernacular rules.”

“It was a blast. I was allowed the creative freedom to go all the way with her so I milked her for everything. Shout out to the Ferguson Films directors,” she said.

On challenges that she faced while playing Mamiki, Pabee says getting into character was not too difficult since she knows people like Mamiki.

“She (Mamiki) was a straight forward role. I knew what was required of her from the moment I got the script.”

“Not dropping any names but we all know or have encountered a Mamiki in our lives so it was just a matter of becoming the person.”

Although Pabee says no one has physically confronted her for her role out in public, some viewers have come for her on Twitter.

“Luckily so far it’s just on those Twitter streets. Some people are upset. It’s hilarious,” she laughs.

When asked whether we’ll be seeing her on our screens anytime soon, Pabee teases and keeps mum on the details.

“As this business goes… it’s nothing I can disclose until it airs. But ksazoba lit!”

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