Luzuko Nteleko talks 'heartbreaking' SA reality Ambitions reminded him of

With all the dating shows that consume our time on the daily, it's quite easy to sleep on the few shows that are attempting to start conversations around actual Mzansi issues and politics, but Luzuko Nteleko promises that SA will sit up and take notice of new drama Ambitions.

Luzuko told MzansiLatest.Com that the drama is not necessarily about the bigger picture but about the current picture. A picture in which citizens are suffering at the hands of the few elite all in the name of a democracy that broke its promises.

"We are now living in a time where our "disadvantaged" socio-economic realities are a norm. It shouldn't be like that but it is. The things we portray in the drama, like how if you come from a disadvantaged background and you are faced with a situation where you either exposed to corruption and stay hungry or join the corrupt and deprive others, you'll most likely choose the latter. It's a hard story to tell because it's real for many people."

The actor said it saddened him because he realised in making of the drama, just how the situations in the lives of most South African forced them into compromising positions.

He said while making the drama they went to places in SA where people still needed the basics like water, electricity and good sanitation and it broke his heart.

"It was so heartbreaking to be reminded that while we may have it better than we used to, there are people whose lives have seen no improvement. Some of the people we saw, their livelihood is worse off now that it was 24 years ago and that broke my heart."

Ambitions is a new local drama looking at the effects of the current political and economical state of Mzansi on its citizens.

Luzuko plays the role of Wandile Cibane, who is the brother of Dumo Cibane (played by Yonda Thomas) and the pair stumble upon corruption in the company that they work for and are faced with a moral dilemma.

Do they sit by and let it happen, do they fight to expose the crooks or get a slice of the corrupt pie to better their lives?

"Through this character and this story, I've learnt that we still have a long way to go. I know it is often disheartening to hear that but it has to be said, so we don't forget. Just because life has improved a little bit for you doesn't mean the other people need to be forgotten about. This show is just one of the many I hope will follow that serve as that reminder that we can and should do better as a country."

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