I'm comfortable with my skin-Gugu Gumede

In the age of Instagram and slay queens, it's easy to jump on the bandwagon of seeing nudity as the only way to show how comfortable one is with their body but Gugu Gumede has shared her "unpopular" opinion on the matter.

Gugu, who plays an uptight stout Christian woman on Uzalo, told MzansiLatest.Com in an interview that she decided a long time ago not to let the world's standard of beauty affect her.

"I am all for women being comfortable in their own skin. But you know what, it's people who want to dress up and show their bodies off in a certain way and girl, if that is you good for you... I wouldn't do that and I can't do that because I feel comfortable with who I am and I don't have to show skin to prove it to anyone."

The Uzalo actress made it clear that it all boils down to personal choice and that she had no problem with women who showed skin to express their confidence in their bodies.

Gugu said a combination of things led her to a preference of being sexy but remaining covered up. She added that she decided to keep a little bit of her home training in these ever-changing streets and add what she's comfortable with for the sake of her sanity.

"For me, it also has to do with who I am and what I was taught at home. I was raised by such an amazing, powerful and strong woman. I never forget the things that she has taught me. I thank her so much because what she has said has helped build the person I am, things like body confidence."

The actress said she hoped young girls would understand that in a world of contradictions, it was important to strike a tailor-made balance.

"It's about balance, take lessons from social media on how to be great but take everything into consideration first. Celebs and social media never give you the full picture, that's why it's dangerous."

Gugu said young girls had to make the choice between what they've been taught at home and what they discover for themselves and take it from there.

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