Rapper AKA gives his views on politics.

AKA has laid his political views bare, praising the EFF while claiming the DA are not a worthy opposition.

 AKA is known for his pro-ANC stance, so when the rapper decided to take his views off his Twitter stream and "clear the air" in a YFM interview this week, we were all ears.

 AKA recently told his followers on Twitter that he was hesitant to engage in political debates on the social media platform and hinted at possibly airing his views somewhere else.

 He said that he had full confidence in the current leadership of the ANC and believed that there was enough young future leaders in the party to take it forward.

 When asked about possible alternatives, AKA was not as confident in the official opposition, the Democratic Alliance, labelling it a party for the minority. "I don't think that the DA is a serious (opposition). It represents a minority.

At the end of the day, this is South Africa. A minority needs to be represented, but I think right now the biggest issues are with the majority and not the minority. The majority is the ANC and EFF, in terms of demographics."

 AKA said "the greatest thing that could happen" would be for the ANC and EFF to get back together. "I don't think it will happen though.

 I think the EFF is needed. I think it would be a strong opposition," he added.

 He was complimentary of the EFF's young leaders, despite once being involved in a public spat with them. In 2016 the rapper took to Twitter to claim that he had been approached to perform for the DA on several occasions, but had always turned them down.

He later claimed that he would also never again perform for the EFF.

 "The ANC is faaaaar from perfect, but I firmly believe it's the only political party with the credentials and policies to lead our country," he said in a tweet that has since been deleted.

 EFF leaders Julius Malema and spokesperson Mbuyiseni Ndlozi challenged the rapper and told him to not hide behind generalisations, but come at the political party directly.

Chief if you want a fight against the EFF just come openly we are ready for you. Why generalize instead of referring to one

 The rapper received support from ANC officials such as Fikile Mbalula during the incident. AKA also slammed the DA last year for shutting down his best friend Da L.E.S's all-white pool party.

 "DA L.E.S's party was not just a party for the fun of it. It was part of the culture and important for the [hip hop] movement. But the DA just shut it down without understanding such aspects," he said in a tweet.

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