Apple demands to know how FBI cracked San Bernardino iPhone

The Apple vs FBI controversy, the roles have officially been reversed.
On Monday, the Justice Department dropped its case against Apple after it was able to unlock the iPhone used by San Bernardino shooter, Syed Farook, with the help of an "outside party." Now, Apple wants to know just how they did it.
The controversy around the phone began when Apple refused a court order to unlock the phone for the FBI to assist with their investigation. Apple would have been required to rewrite its OS with fewer security measures in place so that it could be accessed by the authorities.

However, a filing posted by the FBI on Monday stated: "The government has now successfully accessed the data stored on Farook's iPhone and therefore no longer requires the assistance from Apple Inc. mandated by Court's Order Compelling Apple Inc. to Assist Agents in Search dated February 16, 2016."
"It's the best and worst case scenario for [Apple]," said John Pironti, of IP Architects. "The best case scenario is that they can continue to say that they're doing everything they can do, and that they did not support law enforcement in this way."

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